My Time

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Hello everyone. How are your holiday? I hope everyone are in healthy. Today, i would to share and discuss with you all about paraphrase. What will you think when we talk about paraphrase? For me, i will think paraphrase like summary that we use our own words and understanding about that topic.

The definition for paraphrase is a taking the other's people idea and write by our own words. There are three condition  for good paraphrase that you can apply when do an assignment. Firstly, you make sure that your paraphrase have same meaning as original. Next, you should use your own words and lastly is you must cite the original source.

The paraphrase have three methods that we can use for our writing. There are Grammar Help Method, Retelling Method, and Chunking Method. Firstly is the Grammar Help Method that mean we changing the grammar and vocabulary to form a new sentence. For example:-
Original: This new drug can prolong human life.
Revised: Human life can be prolonged by this new drug.

Next method is Retelling Method. When we use this method,we should understanding the text first, then explain by use your own words. For example:-
Original: The shimmering white glove Michael Jackson wore when he premiered his trademark moonwalk dance in 1983 was auctioned off for US$ 350,000. Source: Dobnik, v.(2009, November 23). Gleaming glove sold. Associated Press.

Paraphrase: The glittering white glove, made famous when Michael Jackson introduced the world to the moon walk dance back in 1983 was sold for US$ 350,000. According to Dobnik from Associated Press.

The last method is Chunking Method. This method tells that we can use this method when the paragraph have long paraphrase. Firstly we should divide the sentence and build the sentence by our own words. 

In my opinion, this method we have already learn when we in secondary school. Do you remember changing the active sentence to passive sentence. This is one of method to paraphrase. Other than that, you also can substitute the word with their synonym. For example:-
Original: The teacher sauntered into the canteen.
Revised: The instructor strolled into the cafeteria. 

In conclusion, i hope that we can apply this when we do an assignment. This is one ways that we use to avoid the plagiarism to happen. So, as an educator to be, i hope that you can share this knowledge to all another students. We should introduce or tell them about this early in order to make them become good in writing.

Thats all for now, thank you.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.

 I think it not late to give wish. How your holiday? I hope you are happy with your holiday. Here, i want to share with you about my holiday. The story begin when i in the bus. I think i can't back to hometown because the bus's ticket already finish. Fortunately, i can get the extra bus but the price is very expensive than the express bus. 

The duration to arrive in Langkawi get too long about 12 hours. When i arrived at my place, i saw my mother was busy preparing the 'ketupat' and 'rendang'. Hmmm...I really miss that moment. 

On Sunday (5/10/2014) was very lively in my life. This is because i can meet my lovely family and friends that long time no see. I also involve in slaughtering the cow for the first time. 

So, my opinion about this is we should remember other people that live in poverty. We cannot only go to people's home just only to eat and apologize. The purpose we should go the others home is to visit and give the present especially to poverty's people.

Besides that, we also should remember sacrifice of Prophet Ismail. We need to sacrifice our bad behavior. I think that's all from me.
Thank you. Bye

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Assalamualaikum and a very good evening everyone. I hope that everyone are in healthy.

Today, i would like to share with everyone about sourcing material. The sourcing material is a second chapter in English for Academic Writing' course after plagiarism topic. So, i would like to start this discussion with its definition first. Do you ever think where you go when you need any information for your study? In my understanding the sourcing material is when you start by looking for information from different sources. Before you go to any sources, you need to understand the types of information first. Based on my reading on Writing With Sources book by Krishnakumari Karuthan who is my lecturer in this course. Actually information can be divided into three branch which are single-fact information, general information and in-depth information.

Firstly is a single-fact information that is a specific factual information that we cannot change or fabricating facts. For example who is the first Malaysian Prime Minister and his contributions. Next is the general information that offers an overall perspective on a particular topic. For example, you are given the topic "Structure of Cell Animal", you will need to look at several aspects of this topic such as function of cell, types of cell and others aspects. Lastly is in-depth information that gives a detailed account of a topic. For example, a journal article entitled "The Therapeutic Effects of the Asam Jawa Juice on Infected Throats" may describe detail about the sample, methodology, perception and others that you need to use online search engine to located this information.

How To Search Sourcing Material

Usually the students will gets the information from books and the internet. Now, i will tell you the easy way to search the information from other sources. Most of you are familiar with internet right? The internet is the source that we can use the information. Besides that we also can use books, newspaper and magazine, and theses and dissertations.

When you use internet as the source, make sure that information in internet is reliable and credible. You should avoid from use the information from people's blog and individual business websites. For example reliable sources that you can obtain from internet are e-journal, search engines, group discussion forums and online database journals.

In the e-journal, you can get in free online which are created by an individual or group of people that want to share the latest information in a specific field. In addition you also can sign in in your university library. You should identify e-journal titles that are related to the topic you interested in.

Next is search engines. I think we are very familiar with Google, Bling and Yahoo but do you familiar with Alta Vista, Dogpile and Google Scholar? In this source you must choose any one and click. You need to type the keyword into search engine and it will display many items that related to your keyword.  As reminder you must make sure that "url" that you type is credible and reliable. For example the reliable "url" is .com, .my, .edu and so on. 

Furthermore, you also can use the books as your source. For your information the largest source of information is academic books. In the books we can read the authors write and idea. Automatically, it will help us to develop our own ideas that relating the field that we study. Others than that, we can compare our idea with authors ideas.

In addition, in my class i had studied how to access in I think you also can start to use it as the source to collect information. Many advantages that we can get when use this source.

Evaluating sources

When you evaluating the sources, you must make sure that is reliable and credible. In the easy way you should follow these eight questions (Winkler & McCuen-Metherell, 2008):

  • Where was the information found?
  • Who wrote it?
  • Who publishes it?
  • What are the writer's sources?
  • What kind of tone does the writer use?
  • What do the writer's contemporaries have to say?
  • What is the writer's motive?
  • What is the context of the writer's opinion?
In conclusion, good luck for everyone in search the material. I hope this can help you a lot in your study. All the best..

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What is P.L.A.G.I.A.R.I.S.M

Good morning everyone. Today i would like to share with you about plagiarism. Before this, we are heard and understand what is vandalism, gangsterism, and others. But now, we are already heard about the plagiarism that become the famous case around the students especially university's students. Sadness, i as a student do not know what is plagiarism before this but when i register in UiTM as their students, i already know what is plagiarism. The reason that make me understand and know about this is i am the one that had involved in plagiarism case. At that time i do not realize that i was involve in plagiarism until the lecturer tell me. Actually what is plagiarism mean and why it is happen to our students or other people?

So, this is from my experience when lecturer scold me about my bad assignment. At that time, i asking him why he scold me? Did i do a wrong thing? After that, he explain to me that i was involve in plagiarism because i was copy the sentences or information from internet and paste. Therefore, at that time i am understand that plagiarism is when we steal and copy others information. However, when i enter this semester i was learn in depth about the plagiarism. I was learn about the definition, how to avoid it, why it is happen and the others type of plagiarism. Here, i will share with you all.

Firstly is about the definition. The definition of plagiarism is stealing the other people's work. Actually there are many definition of plagiarism that can found in books, internet, journal and others media. In my opinion i think this is suitable definition that we can easy understanding. For your information, the plagiarism have many type. There are total copying, major copying, patchwork copying, substituting words, clumsy paraphrasing, incorrect paraphrasing, copying of opinions and arguments and incorrect citing of sources. In addition, the fabricating data like the people answer the questionnaire by itself. Next, doctoring and common knowledge.

Besides that, when we had a problem, we also must have the ways to avoid it. Here is the ways to overcome the plagiarism problem that i had learn in class. Firstly is you should select only relevant information from the text. Next is paraphrase, summaries, quote and document. Finally, i think this is very importance because while we do the assignment, we must create an annotated bibliography.

The conclusion that i can make from this experience or lesson is we can use other people information but we must use with the correct ways like create an annotated bibliography. Furthermore, we should use our own sentences with same meaning that we understand without copy and paste only. We must remember that the information that we use is effort from the other peoples work. So, we should have the feeling appreciated.
So, i hope in the next assignment we try to avoid the plagiarism. I think i want to stop here. If you want to comment or share something, please write in this comment. Thank you.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I have a Blog.

Hello everyone. I am Nur Atiqah Bt. Morad from Langkawi Kedah. How are you? Firstly, i am grateful because i can make this blog although i have a few problems in order to make this blog become success. I am very happy that finally i can have the blog. This blog is good for me to practice and improve my writing in English and share the idea with everyone. Sometimes, when i recall back, why i do not start have a blog for years ago? But, this is not too late for me to have a blog for this time. In my opinion, i think having the blog have many advantages to all people especially the students. The advantages in having blog are firstly you can be a better writer. The only way to become a better writer is to write pages and pages, day after day. The more you blog, the more you write the better writer you become. Stephen king the novelist said that " if you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others, reads a lot and write a lot. Next, you also can learn more about a group of people ans sharing the idea with them. Besides that your memory and creativity will improve. Other than that, you can help others people in solving the problem. Moreover, you can promotes or sell a product to your friend or customers. Lastly is you can stay knowledgeable in your field. I think i should stop here. See you next time. Thank you.