My Time

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I have a Blog.

Hello everyone. I am Nur Atiqah Bt. Morad from Langkawi Kedah. How are you? Firstly, i am grateful because i can make this blog although i have a few problems in order to make this blog become success. I am very happy that finally i can have the blog. This blog is good for me to practice and improve my writing in English and share the idea with everyone. Sometimes, when i recall back, why i do not start have a blog for years ago? But, this is not too late for me to have a blog for this time. In my opinion, i think having the blog have many advantages to all people especially the students. The advantages in having blog are firstly you can be a better writer. The only way to become a better writer is to write pages and pages, day after day. The more you blog, the more you write the better writer you become. Stephen king the novelist said that " if you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others, reads a lot and write a lot. Next, you also can learn more about a group of people ans sharing the idea with them. Besides that your memory and creativity will improve. Other than that, you can help others people in solving the problem. Moreover, you can promotes or sell a product to your friend or customers. Lastly is you can stay knowledgeable in your field. I think i should stop here. See you next time. Thank you.

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