My Time

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What is P.L.A.G.I.A.R.I.S.M

Good morning everyone. Today i would like to share with you about plagiarism. Before this, we are heard and understand what is vandalism, gangsterism, and others. But now, we are already heard about the plagiarism that become the famous case around the students especially university's students. Sadness, i as a student do not know what is plagiarism before this but when i register in UiTM as their students, i already know what is plagiarism. The reason that make me understand and know about this is i am the one that had involved in plagiarism case. At that time i do not realize that i was involve in plagiarism until the lecturer tell me. Actually what is plagiarism mean and why it is happen to our students or other people?

So, this is from my experience when lecturer scold me about my bad assignment. At that time, i asking him why he scold me? Did i do a wrong thing? After that, he explain to me that i was involve in plagiarism because i was copy the sentences or information from internet and paste. Therefore, at that time i am understand that plagiarism is when we steal and copy others information. However, when i enter this semester i was learn in depth about the plagiarism. I was learn about the definition, how to avoid it, why it is happen and the others type of plagiarism. Here, i will share with you all.

Firstly is about the definition. The definition of plagiarism is stealing the other people's work. Actually there are many definition of plagiarism that can found in books, internet, journal and others media. In my opinion i think this is suitable definition that we can easy understanding. For your information, the plagiarism have many type. There are total copying, major copying, patchwork copying, substituting words, clumsy paraphrasing, incorrect paraphrasing, copying of opinions and arguments and incorrect citing of sources. In addition, the fabricating data like the people answer the questionnaire by itself. Next, doctoring and common knowledge.

Besides that, when we had a problem, we also must have the ways to avoid it. Here is the ways to overcome the plagiarism problem that i had learn in class. Firstly is you should select only relevant information from the text. Next is paraphrase, summaries, quote and document. Finally, i think this is very importance because while we do the assignment, we must create an annotated bibliography.

The conclusion that i can make from this experience or lesson is we can use other people information but we must use with the correct ways like create an annotated bibliography. Furthermore, we should use our own sentences with same meaning that we understand without copy and paste only. We must remember that the information that we use is effort from the other peoples work. So, we should have the feeling appreciated.
So, i hope in the next assignment we try to avoid the plagiarism. I think i want to stop here. If you want to comment or share something, please write in this comment. Thank you.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I have a Blog.

Hello everyone. I am Nur Atiqah Bt. Morad from Langkawi Kedah. How are you? Firstly, i am grateful because i can make this blog although i have a few problems in order to make this blog become success. I am very happy that finally i can have the blog. This blog is good for me to practice and improve my writing in English and share the idea with everyone. Sometimes, when i recall back, why i do not start have a blog for years ago? But, this is not too late for me to have a blog for this time. In my opinion, i think having the blog have many advantages to all people especially the students. The advantages in having blog are firstly you can be a better writer. The only way to become a better writer is to write pages and pages, day after day. The more you blog, the more you write the better writer you become. Stephen king the novelist said that " if you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others, reads a lot and write a lot. Next, you also can learn more about a group of people ans sharing the idea with them. Besides that your memory and creativity will improve. Other than that, you can help others people in solving the problem. Moreover, you can promotes or sell a product to your friend or customers. Lastly is you can stay knowledgeable in your field. I think i should stop here. See you next time. Thank you.