My Time

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Hello everyone. How are your holiday? I hope everyone are in healthy. Today, i would to share and discuss with you all about paraphrase. What will you think when we talk about paraphrase? For me, i will think paraphrase like summary that we use our own words and understanding about that topic.

The definition for paraphrase is a taking the other's people idea and write by our own words. There are three condition  for good paraphrase that you can apply when do an assignment. Firstly, you make sure that your paraphrase have same meaning as original. Next, you should use your own words and lastly is you must cite the original source.

The paraphrase have three methods that we can use for our writing. There are Grammar Help Method, Retelling Method, and Chunking Method. Firstly is the Grammar Help Method that mean we changing the grammar and vocabulary to form a new sentence. For example:-
Original: This new drug can prolong human life.
Revised: Human life can be prolonged by this new drug.

Next method is Retelling Method. When we use this method,we should understanding the text first, then explain by use your own words. For example:-
Original: The shimmering white glove Michael Jackson wore when he premiered his trademark moonwalk dance in 1983 was auctioned off for US$ 350,000. Source: Dobnik, v.(2009, November 23). Gleaming glove sold. Associated Press.

Paraphrase: The glittering white glove, made famous when Michael Jackson introduced the world to the moon walk dance back in 1983 was sold for US$ 350,000. According to Dobnik from Associated Press.

The last method is Chunking Method. This method tells that we can use this method when the paragraph have long paraphrase. Firstly we should divide the sentence and build the sentence by our own words. 

In my opinion, this method we have already learn when we in secondary school. Do you remember changing the active sentence to passive sentence. This is one of method to paraphrase. Other than that, you also can substitute the word with their synonym. For example:-
Original: The teacher sauntered into the canteen.
Revised: The instructor strolled into the cafeteria. 

In conclusion, i hope that we can apply this when we do an assignment. This is one ways that we use to avoid the plagiarism to happen. So, as an educator to be, i hope that you can share this knowledge to all another students. We should introduce or tell them about this early in order to make them become good in writing.

Thats all for now, thank you.